Monday, October 6, 2008

I Rocked the Vote, I liked it.

My apologies to Katy Perry for this entry's title.

But I registered to vote for the first time ever. Here I am 31 years old an American Citizen and I never bothered to exercise my right to vote. Our forefathers revolted for representation, and as hard as suffragettes fought for the right to vote in this country and yet I've been taking it for granted.

But then again that's my right as an American. Freedom to Slack is one of the Bill of Rights isn't it?

I blame the 90's.  I started off being politically motivated and interested, but by the time my first election rolled around I was 20, and no longer gave a fuck.

It's not like I never tried. I remember registering to vote at a Warped Tour once but nothing ever came of that. I never got my voter registration card.

Now it's 2008. Its time to vote. Time for Change.

But would the slacker in me, let me follow through? Although I registered online like 2 weeks ago. I have to say I waited until the last possible date, the final hour to mail my registration in.


But Whoot, there it is. Frank Sinatra stamp and everything.

If you haven't yet done so. Go down to and register. Print it out and get it postmarked by 5 PM today. STAT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bubby eres un stupid for making me sweat til the last better facking vote too!