Friday, March 13, 2009

Another one Bites the Dust

First it was Josh back in April being a Fool I guess. That unfortunately didn't work out that well. I might tease you man, but I feel your pain.

Then My brother in August, who was at least smart enough NOT to marry his baby mama.


I think he made the right choice. Time will tell. ;) Welcome to the family Monse.  She's handled my mom these past few months like a trooper. Hopefully she's not regretting it.

And now  a third close friend has decided to get hitched up.


On March 2nd, after Ten years of living in sin, Leonard updated his facebook status to Married. It was a jubilant ceremony in which the guest children outnumbered the guest adults, 3-1. I wish them as long a marriage as their non-marriage.

But I think we need to run a Honk-A-Meter on this one.

The Honky Tonk man was intercontinental champion for a record 64 weeks.

Leonard has been married almost 3 weeks.


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