( i edited this to add some BETTER Pictures)
Yeah it’s been awhile since I last posted, and as before the easiest way to go through the past few months is by pictures.
The Megalodon Shark exhibit is now at the Miami Science Museum, this is from the premiere night, March 7th where not everything had been setup. The second set of jaws are ginormous and give you an example on how big this fucker might of been.
At the time they had two more exhibits. One was about the science of music itself, you could remix a song and create a music video, but they also had these great candid photographs of Rock icons like Kurt Cobain, Freddie Mercury and Jimi Hendrix .
The other was a big audio-visual to-do complete with memorabilia and artifacts on the effect Latinos had in popular music.
It covered every single era and every genre and every musical style Latinos were ever involved in. From mambo to hip-hop. From Tito Puento to Daddy Yankee. It was quite an impressive exhibit. I’m not always a fan of Spanish music but this was an amazing exhibit. I’ll try to dig up some more pictures.
I tried to hit up a lot of the activities that week, here are some random shots of Carnaval on the Mile and Calle Ocho back on March 8th and March 15th.
Thanks to my new Sister-in-law i got a chance to see my favorite folk-comedy-duo from New Zealand and my new favorite TV show stars, FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS. They came to the Bank United Center on April 7th.
The show was great and the seats were within spitting distance. Thanks again Monse!
I won tickets from the Super Bowl contest Universal Studios had back in Feb. And they finally arrived. So I headed up north for a few days of fun. Of all the things this are has to offer this seemed the most wondrous.
I didn’t actually go in. Because The whole time I was looking for the location at Citywalk, I was building it up too much in my mind. I would totally have been disappointed if it was just an lame Burger King kiosk. No, I imagined I’d pull up a seat at the counter. and i could order a Whiskey to go with my triple whopper with cheese.
They also brought out some old favorites from the horror exhibit at Universal Studios.
I just reloaded my PC, so i gotta dig up some more pictures. Next update will include the new Car, Memorial Day – July 4th. and odds an ends in between.
I know this update is kind of lame, so I’ll leave you with this.
I’m convinced it’s either a new cult. Or an experiment to entrap people into coming to church by making them pull over and telling them to change the sign. Because it’s been up there since Mid-May and now first week of July it’s still there.
“LROD has spoken”
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